
Gliding Australia Documents


pdf 00 Combined Trainer Guides units 1-26 Solo Draft Popular

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00 Combined Trainer Guides units 1-26 Solo BBB.pdf

00 Combined Trainer Guides units 1-26 Solo Draft

Trainer Guides are a resource for trainers who are delivering the GPC units.

Combines the Trainer Guides for the first 26 units, through to Solo. 

Scroll through to the unit you are seeking.

Individual units can be accessed  for printing and review below


pdf 00 Combined Trainer Guides units 27-44 GPC Popular

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00 Combined Trainer Guides units 27-44 GPC.pdf

00 Combined Trainer Guides units 27-44 GPC

Trainer Guides are a resource for trainers who are delivering the GPC units.

Combines the Trainer Guides for units 27-44, through to completion of the GPC. 

Scroll through to the unit you are seeking.

Individual units can be accessed  for printing and review below

pdf GPC 44 Glider Pilot Certificate (Application Authorised) Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 44 - Glider Pilot Certificate (Application Authorised) Trainer Guide Rev 1 .pdf

GPC 44 Glider Pilot Certificate (Application Authorised) Trainer Guide Rev 1

To ensure that the pilot has completed all the pre-requisites for the application for a GFA Glider Pilot Certificate.

pdf GPC 43 Independent Operator Responsibilities Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 43 - Independent Operator Responsibilities Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 43 Independent Operator Responsibilities Trainer Guide Rev 1

To advise the pilot when operating independently on:

their rights and responsibilities.

areas to consider when planning flights.

pdf GPC 42 Daily Inspections, Pilot Maintenance Limits, DI Certificate Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 42 - Daily Inspections, Pilot Maintenance Limits, DI Certificate Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 42 Daily Inspections, Pilot Maintenance Limits, DI Certificate Trainer Guide Rev 1

To develop the skills and knowledge required for assessment and examination by an authorised Daily Inspector (DI) Examiner:

To perform a daily inspection on a glider;

Including elements of pilot maintenance within approved limits, and;

Correctly complete the DI Certificate.

pdf GPC 41 Demonstrated Cross Country CapabilityTrainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 41 - Demonstrated Cross Country CapabilityTrainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 41 Demonstrated Cross Country CapabilityTrainer Guide Rev 1

To evaluate the student’s capability to combine the GPC competencies to safely plan and achieve cross country flight in thermals.

pdf GPC 40 Cruising, speed to fly, height bands and thermal selection Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 40 - Cruising, speed to fly, height bands and thermal selection Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 40 Cruising, speed to fly, height bands and thermal selection Trainer Guide Rev 1

To develop the student’s skills and ingrained habits in selecting a path through the air that improves achieved glide performance; selecting and maintaining an appropriate speed to fly; using height bands to manage risk in terms of locating the next thermal; and choosing which thermals to accept

pdf GPC 39 Advanced soaring Instruments and flight computers Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 39 - Advanced soaring Instruments and flight computers Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 39 Advanced soaring Instruments and flight computers Trainer Guide Rev 1

To develop the student’s knowledge and skill in the use of modern flight computers without degrading their lookout and situational awareness.

The focus is on moving map flight computers, including personal devices such as the Oudie and mobile phones.

The pilot should become familiar with the operation of the devices they will use and apply the concepts outlined in this unit.

pdf GPC 38 Meteorology and Flight planning Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 38 - Meteorology and Flight planning Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 38 Meteorology and Flight planning Trainer Guide Rev 1

To develop the student’s knowledge and skills in determining the suitability of the forecast weather for cross country flight and in setting an appropriate task for the expected conditions.

pdf GPC 37 Passenger Carrying Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 37 - Passenger Carrying Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 37 Passenger Carrying Trainer Guide Rev 1

To ensure that a glider pilot with passenger carrying endorsement:

·         Knows their responsibilities regarding the safety of another person.

·         Knows the rules regarding the carriage of passengers.

·         Knows how to conduct an effective safety briefing for the passenger.

·         Knows how to conduct pre-flight checks with the passenger.

·         Is capable of putting the passenger at ease.

·         Knows what to do if the passenger is unwell or emotional before or during the flight.

pdf GPC 36 Airspace and Navigation Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 36 - Airspace and Navigation Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 36 Airspace and Navigation Trainer Guide Rev 1

To develop the skills and knowledge to operate in uncontrolled airspace, complying with “Rules of the Air” Regulations, Radio procedures, Altimetry, Flight planning, Search and Rescue requirements, as well as basic navigation skills without use of electronic navigation aids.

pdf GPC 13S Launch & Release Self Launch Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 13S - Launch & Releae Self Launch Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 13S Launch & Release Self Launch Trainer Guide Rev 1

To develop and demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to safely fly a self-launching glider through a normal climb and engine shut down to transition to soaring pilot.

Use of appropriate launch pattern.

Engine management

pdf GPC 13A Launch & Release Aerotow Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 13A - Launch & Release Aerotow Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 13A Launch & Release Aerotow Trainer Guide Rev 1

To develop and demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to safely fly an aerotow launch in the correct low tow position after transitioning from the initial climb, and then release from aerotow. 

Note that this aligns with the normal training sequence and risk profile for these units. Upper air aspects of launch are taught first, then ground roll and take-off, then crosswind conditions and emergencies.

pdf GPC 12 Slow Flight & Stalling Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 12 - Slow Flight & Stalling Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 12 Slow Flight & Stalling Trainer Guide Rev 1

To ensure that the student

·         Can fly accurately and confidently close to the stall;

·         Is aware of the importance of always maintaining a safe margin from the stall whenever close to the ground i.e. below 1000’ AGL;

·         Can recognise the approach of a stall; and

·         Will initiate prompt prevention and recovery from stalls.

pdf GPC 11 Introduction to Soaring Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 11 - Introduction to Soaring Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 11 Introduction to Soaring Trainer Guide Rev 1


To introduce student pilots to soaring and what can be achieved by progressing through GPC training and beyond. It aims to foster enthusiasm to continue training and remain with the sport longer term. Thermal soaring is comprehensively covered in post-solo GPC units – this unit provides only a basic introduction to thermal soaring.

pdf GPC 10 Use of Ancillary Controls Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 10 - Use of Ancillary Controls Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 10 Use of Ancillary Controls Trainer Guide Rev 1

The aim of this GPC Unit is to: Develop the practical skills and knowledge to operate the Airbrakes, Flaps, Undercarriage, Canopy and Tow release in various gliders.

pdf GPC 08 Sustained Turns All Controls Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 8 - Sustained Turns - All Controls Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 08 Sustained Turns All Controls Trainer Guide Rev 1

The aim of this GPC Unit is to develop the knowledge and skill to:

  • use all primary controls to enter, maintain and exit a sustained turn in a coordinated manner;
  • identify and correct coordination errors in the turn;
  • vary the angle of bank in a turn;
  • describe the relationship between the angle of bank and the radius of the turn; and
  • demonstrate smooth and coordinated entry, maintenance and exit of sustained turns at various angles of bank.

pdf GPC 09 Lookout Scan Procedures Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 9 - Lookout Scan Procedures Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 09 Lookout Scan Procedures Trainer Guide Rev 1

To develop the skills and knowledge required to apply appropriate lookout procedures and scanning techniques.

pdf GPC 07 Straight Flight Various Speeds and Trim Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 7 - Straight Flight Various Speeds and Trim Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 07 Straight Flight Various Speeds and Trim Trainer Guide Rev 1


The aim of this GPC unit is to develop the knowledge and skills required to fly a glider in straight flight at a steady speed, in a set direction, with wings level, without slip or skid.

pdf GPC 06 Aileron Drag and Rudder Coordination Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 6 - Aileron Drag and Rudder Coordination Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 06 Aileron Drag and Rudder Coordination Trainer Guide Rev 1

The aim of this unit is for the student to:

  • learn how aileron drag is generated whilst applying aileron;
  • describe and demonstrate how aileron drag affects the aircraft; 
  • be able to use controls to counter the effects of aileron drag resulting in coordinated flight at an angle of bank;
  • describe and demonstrate the secondary effect of rudder.