
Gliding Australia Documents


pdf GPC 05 Primary Effects of Controls Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 5 - Primary Effects of Controls Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 05 Primary Effects of Controls Trainer Guide Rev 1

The aim of this unit is for the student to:

Develop effective reference to the horizon for controlling aircraft attitude;

Explain the primary effects of controls in both their aerodynamic effect and their effect on the airframe; 

Demonstrate use of controls to vary pitch, bank angle and yaw.

pdf GPC 04 Orientation and Sailplane Stability Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 4 - Orientation and Sailplane Stability Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 04 Orientation and Sailplane Stability Trainer Guide Rev 1

Orientation in the local area.

Sailplane stability.

Knowledge of basic glider aerodynamics and components

pdf GPC 03 Pre Flight Preparation Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 3 - Pre-Flight Preparation Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 03 Pre Flight Preparation Trainer Guide Rev 1

The aim of this unit is to:

develop the skills and knowledge required to obtain and interpret required pre-flight information; 

perform the outside and cockpit pre take-off checks.

A basic understanding of the parachute is also required if these are used. See this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1Uis0N-hKY&list=PLw8r6ZtUaBydnUYCdnpwQ_bH3LMsxs0oU&index=7

The student must be able to apply standard checks reliably and thoroughly, by rote or by reference to a checklist, without undue delay.

Describe: the Weight and Balance requirement for the flight given the flight crew weights.

For a powered sailplane calculate:  Take-off and landing performance; Forward and cross wind limits. Take-off distance.

Demonstrate: Switching on and off the glider’s electrical system; Setting the altimeter; Switching on the radio and setting volume / squelch Operating / avoiding the Press-to Transmit (PTT) switch.

pdf GPC 02 Ground Handling & Signals Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 2 - Ground Handling & Signals Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 02 Ground Handling & Signals Trainer Guide Rev 1

The aim of this unit is to develop the skills and knowledge required to safely handle gliders on the ground and use correct signals.

Control, move and secure the aircraft on the ground;  Use the standard ground signals; Correctly perform wing tip runner and hook-on duties.

pdf GPC 13W Launch & Release Winch Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 13W - Launch & Release Winch Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 13W Launch & Release Winch Trainer Guide Rev 1

To develop and demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to safely fly a winch launch, from the initial climb stage through to release.

Note that this aligns with the normal training sequence and risk profile for these units. Upper air aspects of launch are taught first, then initial climb, full climb, and then crosswind conditions. Several launches may be required to demonstrate competence and underpinning knowledge.

Whilst the precursor for launch emergencies is discussed here (speed out of tolerance) the actual briefing and handling of the emergency is covered in GPC unit 20.


pdf GPC 14A Takeoff Aerotow Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 14A - Takeoff Aerotow Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 14A Takeoff Aerotow Trainer Guide Rev 1

Develop and demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to prepare and then safely fly an aerotow launch ground roll, separation, initial climb and then transition into the normal aerotow climb position.

pdf GPC 14S Takeoff Self Launch Trainer Guide Rev 2 Popular

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GPC 14S - Takeoff Self Launch Trainer Guide Rev 2.pdf

GPC 14S Takeoff Self Launch Trainer Guide Rev 2

Develop and demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to prepare and then safely fly a self-launch ground roll, separation, initial climb and then transition into the normal climb.

pdf GPC 14W Takeoff Winch Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 14W - Takeoff Winch Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 14W Takeoff Winch Trainer Guide Rev 1

Develop and demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to safely commence a winch launch, from the cable hook on through to initial climb.

pdf GPC 15 Break Off & Circuit Planning Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 15 - Break Off & Circuit Planning Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 15 Break Off & Circuit Planning Trainer Guide Rev 1

Decide when a flight is to be terminated - to transition from soaring pilot to landing pilot.

Identify a circuit pattern appropriate to the airfield, weather, traffic and other factors.

Determine location of the circuit joining area, based on the selected circuit pattern.

Configure the aircraft for circuit and determine when to use the pre-landing check.

Demonstrate good lookout and traffic separation in the terminal area.

pdf GPC 16 Circuit Joining & Execution Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 16 - Circuit Joining & Execution Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 16 Circuit Joining & Execution Trainer Guide Rev 1

Recognise pilot responsibility to follow circuit procedures.

Fly a circuit from the circuit joining area through to a stabilised final approach.

Develop awareness of the factors that may affect the execution of the circuit.

Demonstrate modification of the circuit as required.

pdf GPC 17 Stabilised Approach & Landing Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 17 - Stabilised Approach & Landing Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 17 Stabilised Approach & Landing Trainer Guide Rev 1

Perform a safe stabilised approach and landing, for a wide range of environmental conditions.


Plan for approach and landing; Conduct approach; Conduct flare, hold-off and landing


pdf GPC 18 Spin Spiral Dive Avoidance and Recovery Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 18 Spin Spiral Dive Avoidance and Recovery Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 18 Spin Spiral Dive Avoidance and Recovery Trainer Guide Rev 1

The aim is for the student to:

Explain the aerodynamics of the spin maneuver.

State the common causes of unintended spins and the ways to avoid them

Be capable of recognizing the symptoms of a spin and spiral dive

Be capable of efficient recovery of the aircraft from all phases of a spin or spiral dive

Verify that a glider is rated for spins

pdf GPC 19 Cross wind Take off and Landing Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 19 - Cross wind Take-off and Landing Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 19 Cross wind Take off and Landing Trainer Guide Rev 1

Enable the student to assess cross wind conditions and describe their effects on take-off and landing operations with regard to different gliders. The student will describe and demonstrate the safe actions to take in the event of cross-winds on take-offs and landings.

pdf GPC 20A Launch Emergencies Aerotow Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 20A - Launch Emergencies Aerotow Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 20A Launch Emergencies Aerotow Trainer Guide Rev 1

Student undertaking an aerotow to:

Describe types of aerotow launch emergency.

Demonstrate actions to safely handle a launch failure.

Demonstrate approaches to prevent these emergencies, and safe actions in the event of them happening on the ground and in the air.

Competency in this unit is a prerequisite to first solo flight using aerotow.

pdf GPC 20S Launch Emergencies Self Launch Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 20S - Launch Emergencies Self-Launch Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 20S Launch Emergencies Self Launch Trainer Guide Rev 1

Describe types of launch emergency and demonstrate approaches to prevent these emergencies, and safe actions in the event of them happening on the ground and in the air.

Competency in this unit is a prerequisite to solo flight when this involves self-launch aircraft.

pdf GPC 20W Launch Emergencies Winch Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 20W - Launch Emergencies Winch Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 20W Launch Emergencies Winch Trainer Guide Rev 1

For the student undertaking a winch or vehicle (auto tow) launch to:

Describe types of a winch/auto tow launch emergency.

Understand the actions to take to safely handle a launch failure.

Recognise the threats and errors that can occur during a launch failure.

Demonstrate the ability to handle a launch emergency at all stages of the launch.

pdf GPC 21 Radio use and endorsement Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 21 - Radio use and endorsement Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 21 Radio use and endorsement Trainer Guide Rev 1

Develop the skills and knowledge required to operate aircraft radio equipment during flight in the local area; and

Ensure that the student’s use of the radio conforms to CASA and GFA requirements including relevant terminology.

This Unit is a prerequisite for first solo.


pdf GPC 22 Situational Awareness Aids Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 22 - Situational Awareness Aids Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 22 Situational Awareness Aids Trainer Guide Rev 1

Describe and Demonstrate the operation of a range of electronic situational awareness aids; and their use in supporting effective lookout; and describe the limitations of these aids

pdf GPC 24 Human Factors Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 24 - Human Factors Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 24 Human Factors Trainer Guide Rev 1

Describe the non-technical skills and knowledge that underpin all GPC units and aviation activity;

Assess the impact of Human Factors on operation of an aircraft; and

Develop personal limitations when operating aircraft.


pdf GPC 25 Threat & Error Management Trainer Guide Rev 1 Popular

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GPC 25 - Threat & Error Management Trainer Guide Rev 1.pdf

GPC 25 Threat & Error Management Trainer Guide Rev 1

To develop the skills and knowledge required to:

Recognise and minimise the impact of threats; and

Manage any subsequent errors in an aircraft in order to prevent these leading to an undesired aircraft state.