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Gfa 126an


1. Modification of the water ballast dump. ASW 19 Technical Note No. 3 describes the optional modification of the water ballast dump system on serial numbers 19001 to 19096. 2. Installation of the ASW 20 wheel fork and modification of the wheel fork to open the undercarriage doors wider. Combined ASW 19 Technical Note 4a and 4b permits the installation of the ASW 20 wheel fork and the modification of the ASW 19 fork to open the wheel doors wider. 3. Increased all up weight. ASW 19 Technical Note 6a allows the maximum all up weight for serial numbers 19001 through 19225 to be increased to 454 kg. 4. Installation of a friction trim. ASW 19 Technical Note 6b describes the optional installation of a friction trim for serial numbers 19001 through 19225. 5. Improved wheel brake effectiveness. ASW 19 Technical Note No. 13 describes an improvement to the operation of the wheel brake. 6. Installation of the ASW 20B canopy frame, tilt up canopy and jettison system. ASW 19 Technical Note No. 19 describes the installation of the ASW 20B canopy system on all serial numbers except 19390, 19398, 19399 and 19402.