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Gfa 124an


This issue of the AN is applicable to the Nimbus 4DM fitted with the SOLO 2625-02 engine.  1. Schempp-Hirth Technical Note 868-2 describes the optional installation of a quick connector on the vent line of the wing fuel tanks. This modification is standard on serial numbers 21 and up. If this modification is incorporated then the Flight and maintenance manuals must be updated in accordance with the Technical Note. Copies of the Technical Note may be obtained from the GFA Secretariat. 2. Schempp-Hirth Technical Note No 868-4 and the associated Work Instruction describe the recommended modification to the canopy locking mechanism to prevent in-flight opening.  Copies of the Schempp-Hirth TN and WI may be obtained from the GFA Secretariat. 3. (Applicable only to Nimbus 4DM with SOLO 2625-02 engine).  As a result of corrections made in Schempp-Hirth Modification Bulletins Nos 868-9 and 868-11 to the adjustment of the engine pylon limit switches and engine bay doors, the manufacturer has issued Revision No 18 to the maintenance manual.  Copies of the revised pages may be obtained from the GFA Secretariat if required.