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Item 1. Installation of a nose hook. Alexander Schleicher Technical Notes ASW 15 No 5 and 5a describe the optional installation of a nose hook. If a nose hook is installed then advantage should be taken of the improved installation possible under Technical Note 13a. Item 2. New rudder pedals and improved access to the nose hook. Alexander Schleicher Technical Note ASW 15 No 13a describes the optional installation of new rudder pedals and improved access to the nose hook. Item 3. Improved belly hook access. Alexander Schleicher Technical Note ASW 15 No 13b describes a modification to the belly hook fittings which improve access. Item 4. Modified rudder lower hinge. Alexander Schleicher Technical Note ASW 15 No 13c describes the optional modification to the rudder lower hinge which provides adjustable stops. Item 5. Installation of the all flying tail mounting pin on the fin. Alexander Schleicher Technical Note ASW 15 No 14 describes the optional modification of the all flying tailplane mounting pins onto the fin so that replacement of worn pins is easier. This modification is standard on all ASW 15 gliders with a serial number higher than 15382. Item 6. Installation of a tail wheel. Alexander Schleicher Technical Note ASW 15 No 24 describes the optional installation of a tail wheel. Item 7. Installation of Wendekind Safety Sleeves on l’Hotellier Couplings. Alexander Schleicher Technical Note ASW 15 No 25 describes the optional installation of Wendekind Safety Sleeves to secure the  l’Hotellier couplings. If these sleeves are fitted they must be installed in accordance with the procedures in this Technical Note. This Technical Note forms part of this AN. Item 8. Winglets. FBW Flugzeugbau Technical note 272-26 allows the optional installation of winglets. This TN is only available in German.