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Gfa 095an


The L23 Super Blanik is similar to the Blanik L13. Operators of the L23 should obtain a copy of GFA AN 49 which contains information which may be useful to operators of the Super Blanik. 1. The soldered fittings on the ends of the canopy jettison cables have proven to be under strength in some cases. It is recommended that the system be load tested prior to first flight in Australia and that the system be operated at each annual inspection for proper functioning.  Testing of the system may be done by applying a 35 kg load to the lever in the normal direction of operation. If the solder joints fail then they may be renewed using a soft solder. 2. Cracking has been noted in the lower rudder hinge. When inspecting this part during Annual Inspections special care should be taken to ensure that any cracks are found and proper rectification action taken.