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Gfa 086an


1. PZL-Krosno Bulletin BE-17/KR-03A/91 contains information on the installation of a spring in the airbrake system to reduce pilot operating force. 2. There has been one reported case of cracking of the centre airbrake arm pivot tube (part number D6-5 or D6-6). This part pivots using steel on steel bearings and light corrosion on these bearings may contribute to the cracking of the part. It is recommended that the part be regularly inspected for cracks and that the bearings be regularly oiled to prevent corrosion.A case has been reported of insufficient travel of the actuating cable of the nose-release, caused by flexing of the lower fuselage bracket to which one end of the Bowden cable is attached, together with consequent cracking of the Bowden cable guide tube.  The problem was found on VH-GKD after 1600 hours time in service.  3. One case has been reported of paint cracking around the rivet heads on the underside of one wing of Puchatek VH-KRF, on each side of a joint in the metal skins just inboard of the airbrake box, suggesting “working” of the rivets.  The aircraft had a total time in service of 414 hours and had done 3017 winch launches at the time the paint cracking was discovered. 4. This is a reminder that AD 516 of September 1999 requires that aerobatic flight time must be recorded as 6 times that of non-aerobatic time and that compliance with the AD is recorded as an entry in the aircraft’s logbook. 

This Issue of the AN contains an alert for correct locking of the rear seat adjusting mechanism. There has been one case of the rear seat slipping out of the locked position in flight, then collapsing downward and jamming the elevator control.  The aircraft was landed safely, but with some difficulty.  It is thought possible that the seat may not have been correctly locked before take-off.  It is essential to check carefully that the seat is fully and correctly locked and it is recommended that a placard be fitted in the cockpit to remind pilots to do this.