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Gfa 049an


1. Release malfunction- The belly release in a Blanik was not lubricated at each Form 2 as the glider was only subject to aero tow. The release subsequently jammed in the full open position which allowed the cable connecting the nose and belly releases to become slack. 2. Replacement tailwheels- The castoring tailwheel originally fitted to most Blaniks has caused a significant amount of damage such as cracks, loose rivets and worn pins to the rear fuselage, fin and tailplane because it lacked adequate shock absorption, thus causing high fatigue loads and because when the castor was offset the eccentric load caused high twisting loads on the tailwheel mounts. 3. Elevator travel restriction- There have been a number of incidents in Australia and England where the T piece joining the two elevators has been fitted back to front. This results in excess down elevator and no up elevator. 4. Nose cone dirt guard- To prevent dirt entering the nose release and the front rudder pedal mechanism a false floor can be fitted, extending the existing floor into the nose cone. 5. Pilot harness anchorage- A Blanik was involved in a stall/spin accident and during the investigation it was found that the front pilot left shoulder harness attachment point had failed before the harness. 6. Cracked undercarriage operating arm- The undercarriage actuating arm is prone to cracking at the section change and should be carefully inspected at each annual inspection and following a heavy landing.