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GFA 001an

MISCELLANEOUS AIRWORTHINESS INFORMATION - ES 52 KOOKABURRA (Short Wing), ALL MARKS and some parts may also affect the ES 52B KOOKABURRA (Long Wing). 

These notes are intended as a guide for the Inspector during a normal Annual Inspection. The notes in no way replace previous or subsequent instructions from the GFA or the manufacturer or normal inspection procedures. 1. GENERAL - The short wing Kookaburra is a two seat training glider, built by Edmund Schneider Pty. Ltd. of Parafield, in South Australia. The Mk I version is now restricted to normal flight maneuvers, including spins, and is non-aerobatic. The Mk II and Mk III versions are certified to BCAR Section E, semi-aerobatic category allowing loops, stall turns and spins. The Mk IV version has an increased maximum flying weight and is fitted with terminal velocity dive brakes. Mks I, II, III were normally fitted with spoilers although two Mk I’s and one Mk II were fitted with non standard dive brakes. STRUCTURE - The airframe is of normal glued ply shell construction with longitudinal members of spruce and birch plywood skinned (mainly 1.5 mm and 2.0 mm). Secondary structural members on some aircraft may be of klinki pine from New Guinea e.g. nose stringers, curved bulkhead laminations, ribs etc. Some of the nose bulkheads are fabricated from thick (19 mm and 25 mm) klinki plywood. Main structural members should be repaired only with selected spruce.