
Gfa ad 437 issue 1

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Gfa ad 437 issue 1


The First of Type inspection has shown that LAK 12 gliders require certain modifications before they can be issued with an Australian Certificate of Airworthiness. Before first flight for gliders registered after 15 February, 1996 and before the issue of an Australian Certificate of Airworthiness for gliders registered before 15 February, 1996 the following modification must be completed: 1. The original factory harness is prone to fraying of the ends and corrosion of the adjusters. The factory harness must be replaced with an approved harness. 2. the harness shoulder straps must be attached to the forward main carry through tube. The cover of the luggage compartment will require modification to prevent interference between the harness and the cover. When installing the harness the gap between the two straps should be about 150 mm. It will also be necessary to cut holes in the seat back to pass the harness through at the correct position. 3. Trim Ballast boxes must be installed to bring the minimum pilot weight with ballast down to 55 kg. If the required ballast in each box is less than 10 kg then the box may be justified according to section 1.9.6 of Basic Sailplane Engineering. If the weight of the ballast is over 10 kg then the design of the boxes must be acceptable to the CTOA. 5. The release system must be modified to the later production standard as in S/N 6210 or to a standard acceptable to the CTOA. 5. The seat must be modified to restrain it against forward and upward movement. 7. A flexible sleeve must be fitted over the canopy jettison return spring to prevent fouling with the jettison cable. 8. Ventilation holes must be drilled in the flaps and ailerons. 9. Rudder stops must be installed. In some gliders the stops fitted by the factory at the gearing bellcrank are not adjustable and they are incorrectly positioned and allow excessive rudder movement.