
Gfa ad 426 issue 1

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Gfa ad 426 issue 1


Applicable to L13 Blanik and L13 A1 Blanik All serial numbers. During a routine inspection cracking was noted in the flange of the wing rib and the stiffeners at the flush skin joint at station 13. Further inspection of other Blaniks showed that 7 out of 9 inspected gliders had cracking of some degree at this station. Inspection of the ribs at other stations with flush skin joints also showed minor cracking at station 7. The Flush Joints at Stations 25 and 31 are the same detail design as stations 7 and 13 and so are possible cracking sites. The extent of the cracking was such that the worst wing was very near to failure. Aviation and General Engineering Report No. 941 Issue 2 refers.