
1. HELP; finding Airworthiness Documents

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Finding AW Docs.docx

1. HELP; finding Airworthiness Documents

  We must use documents from various sources to maintain our aircraft. To fit in with the modern international aviation world it has been ruled by CASA that all ADs and other documents from the State of Design of you glider and equipment must be found and must be complied with. It is impossible for GFA to maintain a copy of all docs relevant to all gliders and their variations of equipment, although we help as follows. The Registered Operator is responsible (but the Annual Inspector should ensure he has the correct and current documents).

For the GFA library of ALL documents: Go directly to the Docs/Forms Tab, above.

All useful GFA documents are on the web site. Navigate to "Docs/Forms":

  • All GFA documents are under - "Documents/ Forms Library":
    • The Main Menu to the right or below gives quick links to GFA AD Register, Schedule and AN Register.
      • Schedules are General or Type Specific Schedules as we issue in a Form 2 pack. Schedules are to help you find ADs for your glider and gives you a checklist to check them off. We are adding foreign ADs to the schedules to help you find them.
      • Registers contain the actual ADs and ANs.
      • The SEARCH function allows simple searches for word in titles. Or using ADVANCED allows complex searches. eg the following will search for all "GFA AD" published after the given date; Find Recent GFA AD. Edit the dates to get your own range.
    • "Manual of Standard Procedures" contains all GFA Manuals and Handbooks for all departments: 
      • MOSP Part 3; Airworthiness is 16 documents so you can find the subject you are looking for.
      • eg. MOSP 3 is the procedures or rules and is in the main folder.
      • eg. The Registered Operator Handbook is under MOSP Part 3.
    • "Airworthiness" contains all GFA ADs, ANs, and Schedules, the same as the Quicklinks mentioned above.

Older TDS, TCDS, ADs, ANs etc will be available from GFA, these are still mandatory or should be followed unless there is a more recent document available from the State of Design. GFA will remove obsolete documents to avoid confusion but check and use the most up to date from the State of Design, Manufacturer,  or the GFA in that order. Also check for and update your Flight and Maintenance Manuals. Note some CASA ADs apply to gliders which you get from CASA. We will list all ADs that we think may apply to gliders.

Other useful information:

1. Your glider, engine or propeller manufacturer often has a website with all their information. Try that first.  They often give older and newer ADs, service bulletins and other useful info as well as manuals. But you must get GFA or CASA ADs from GFA or CASA.

If you find a useful source of documents send the following info to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.:

Glider Type

Document types


Eg Stemme S10

All Manuals, ADs and SBs


2. There is also a searchable, sortable spreadsheet of all ADs that GFA knows about under "AD Schedules". It also contains a sheet of all the known links mentioned above. It may help you find the sites for your glider. The use of the list is so you can search for schedules of ADs for 'General" or the glider type. You need to work out how to use 'Filter' in Excel but it is easy and effective.

So AW info is in two places in the library; Airworthiness and Manual of Standard Procedures as described above.

But there are Quicklinks as well to get you to common ones quickly. Or Search now works better.