
Gliding Australia Documents


pdf Gliding Australia OAN 03/24 Glider Pilot Parachute Safety Management

By Tagged in Operations, Parachute, Safety, SMS 72 downloads

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OAN 0324 Final Glider Pilot Parachute Safety Management.pdf

OAN 03/24 Glider Pilot Parachute Safety Management issued by EMO and SM - advice developed in conjunction with APF and National Operations Panel. Owner duty of care, inspection, repacking, management requirements.  Refers to Manufacturers specifications and limitations.

pdf Gliding Australia SB 0324 Battery Safety Risk Management Popular

By Tagged in Airworthiness, Batteries, Chargers, LiFePO4, MOSP3, Risk, Safety, SMS 445 downloads

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GA SB 0324 Battery Safety Risk Management V3.pdf

Guidance for managing risks of batteries used in gliders.  Accompanies proposed changes to MOSP 3 AW regarding Sect 8.11 Batteries and allowed standards for avionics batteries, (not starter batteries for powered sailplanes), and batteries in devices.  Education and awareness of battery risks, risk mitigation measures.  Highlights importance of daily inspections for damaged batteries and connectors.  Highlights risks of dropped or damaged cells.  For clubs and registered operators.  Subject to CASA approval of AW document changes.

pdf Gliding Australia SB 02/24 Safety Differently 2 - Improving Collective Safety Popular

By Tagged in Airworthiness, Awareness, Culture, Occurrences, Operations, Safety, SDR, SMS, SOAR 445 downloads

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GFA SB 0224 Safety Differently 2.pdf

SB 02/24 Safety Differently - Improving Collective Safety suggests additional strategies for clubs to build positive ingredients for safety.  Clubs may wish to survey members based on these ingredients to assess priorities for club safety culture improvement.

SB 02/24 builds on issues raised in SB 01/20 Safety Differently by Prof Sidney Dekker


pdf Gliding Australia SB 01/24 Windsocks and Safety Popular

By Tagged in Aerodromes, Crosswinds, Occurrences, Part139MOS, Risk, Safety, SMS, Windsocks 629 downloads

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GFA SB 0124 Windsocks.pdf

Safety advice related to Windsocks, fitness for purpose, colour, size, visibility, positioning, requirements for Certified and Non-Certified Aerodromes, Occurrence risks, training, reading wind strength and calculating crosswinds.  Useful in dealing with aerodrome users and owners.  

pdf Gliding Australia SB 04/23 Safety Policy and Priorities Popular

By Tagged in Occurrences, Policy, Risk, Safety, SMS, SOAR 918 downloads

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GFA SB 0423 Safety Policy Priorities.pdf

Gliding Australia Safety Policy Commitment, approved by Board and also CASA, included in new MOSP Part 5 SMS.

Discussion of safety activity in 2023, emerging safety issues, and agreed priorities for attention.

Supersedes SB 03/22.

pdf SB 03 23 Safety Considerations in Aerodrome Environments final Popular

By Tagged in Aerodromes, Airspace, Collision, Management, Risk, Safety, SMS, SOAR 1226 downloads

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SB 03 23 Safety Considerations in Aerodrome Environments final.pdf

Safety considerations affecting operations, and oversight of operations, in aerodrome environments.  Links to key references, CASA and GFA. Analysis of SOAR data. Collisions, near misses, runway incursions, runway events, conflicts, circuits.  Risk drivers and preventive strategies.  Panel and Committee roles.

pdf SB 01 23 Changes in Emergency Contacts Popular

By Tagged in Emergency, EMO, ERP, Planning, Safety, SMS 578 downloads

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SB 01 23 Changes in Emergency Contacts.pdf

SB 01/23 provides updated Emergency Contact information, for Emergency Response Plans and SMS Documents. Club Presidents, CFIs, Safety Officers should update club documents with updated info. Template provided.

pdf SB 02 23 Ground Towing Safety Popular

By Tagged in Bulletin, Damage, factors, Ground, Human, Injury, Safety, SMS, Towing, Training 643 downloads

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SB 02 23 Ground Towing Safety.pdf

SB 02/23 Ground Towing Safety addresses ground glider towing safety risks, multiple ways damage and injury are commonly caused, and takes a whole systems approach to assessing risk drivers.

Preventive measures and strategies are recommended, many addressing factors outside operational procedures.

pdf SB 08 22 Safer Summer Soaring Popular

By Tagged in Accidents, Bulletin, Risk, Safety, SMS, SOAR 906 downloads

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SB 08_22 Safer Summer Soaring.pdf

SB 08 22 Safer Summer Soaring

Discussion of areas of risk exposure, risk priorities, mid-air collisions and near collisions, stall-spin accidents, heavy landings, runway excursions and conflicts, launch accidents, associated human factors. References included to Training Units, OSBs, manuals, online videos.  SOAR data included.

Minor correction 18 December 2022 - Term Hard Landing used in lieu of Heavy Landing. Heavy landing refers to landing in overweight condition above max weight. Hard landing is correct term for landing with considerable g force - an arrival!

pdf SB 07 22 Managing Risks of Long Covid in Gliding Popular

By Tagged in Collective, Covid, LongCovid, Medical, Risk, Safety, SMS 740 downloads

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SB 07_22 Managing Risks of Long Covid in Gliding.pdf

SB 07 22 Managing Risks of Long Covid in Gliding

Guidance on managing complex physical and mental effects of long Covid in safety critical gliding settings.

Individual and Collective approaches to safety, extending IMSAFE to WE ARE SAFE

Also see SB 06 22 Managing Risks of Ageing

pdf SB 06 22 Managing Risks of Ageing Pilots Popular

By Tagged in Ageing, Collective, LongCovid, Risk, Safety, SMS 1164 downloads

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SB 06_22 Managing Risks of Ageing Pilots.pdf

SB 06 22 Managing Risks of Ageing Pilots

Guidance on personal and collective approaches to safety, managing risks of ageing in all gliding safety critical activities.

Extension of IMSAFE to collective WE ARE SAFE dialogue and decisions.

Advice on "Difficult Conversations" included.

Also see SB 07_22 regarding Managing Risks of Long Covid in Gliding

pdf GFA SB 05_22 Gliding Safety Network Popular

By Tagged in Collective, Network, Safety, Skills, SMS 674 downloads

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GFA SB 05_22 Gliding Safety Network.pdf

GFA SB 05_22 Gliding Safety Network

This Bulletin seeks member support in establishing then maintaining a Gliding Safety Network to provide safety-focussed expertise, skills and knowledge to clubs and members.


Gliding Australia has relied on informal networks to identify individuals with specialist safety skills. We now seek to establish and maintain a simple database of Safety volunteers, members with useful skills, expertise, knowledge, qualifications, and experience in safety-related fields. 


We seek to enable clubs to reach out to get help and advice, to be informed by credible volunteer experts. A pro forma and example are provided for members wishing to support this activity. Request responses be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


document SB 05_22 Pro Forma docx Popular

By Tagged in Safety, Skills, SMS 567 downloads

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SB 05-22 Gliding Safety Network Pro Forma.docx

Pro-forma for Glider Safety Network volunteers - please send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

pdf GFA SB 04 22 Covid Safety Policy Statement w ADMIN 030 Popular

By Tagged in Administration, Covid, Policy, Risk, Safety, WHS 596 downloads

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GFA SB 04_22 Covid Safety Policy Statement w ADMIN 030.pdf

GFA SB 04 22 Covid Safety Policy Statement w ADMIN 030

Covid-19 Safety Policy Statement 17 July 2022 - applicable to GFA Offices, staff employed by GFA, volunteer officers, with policy guidance for clubs and members.

This SB provides context for GFA ADMIN 030 GFA Covid Safety Policy Statement.

pdf GFA SB 03 22 Safety Policy Commitment Popular

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GFA SB 03_22 Safety Policy Commitment.pdf

GFA SB 03 22 Safety Policy Commitment

Superseded by update SB 04/23 issued November 2023.  This version retained for traceability.

Safety Policy commitment will be reviewed after each AGM, change of CEO or SM. This version may be updated when Discussion Draft MOSP Part 5 SMS is approved by Board and then CASA under CASR Part 149. Contact SM on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if clarification required.

pdf GFA SB 02/22 Safe Hydration Popular

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GFA SB 02_22 Safe Hydration.pdf

GFA SB 02/22 Safe Hydration

This bulletin discusses guidance on safe hydration practices, appropriate for most reasonably healthy pilots, underpinned by advice from aviation medical experts.

Note: This bulletin does not discuss medical issues concerning complications associated with comorbidities and any underlying health conditions that may affect body temperature regulation, gastric and kidney function, and metabolisation of salts, sugars and water. Any pilot with such conditions must seek advice from their medical practitioners. Any pilot in doubt concerning appropriate fluid intakes must seek advice from their medical practitioners.

pdf GFA SB 01/22 Safety Heat Stress Dehydration Popular

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GFA SB 01_22 Safety Heat Stress Dehydration.pdf

GFA SB 01/22 Safety Heat Stress Dehydration

This bulletin addresses hazards associated with heat stress, heat exhaustion, dehydration, associated fatigue and ill effects that may affect summer flying, camps and competitions

pdf GFA SB 01/21 Resumption of Gliding Activities After Periods of Inactivity Popular

By 1961 downloads

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GFA SB 0121 Resumption of Gliding Activities After Periods of Inactivity (1).pdf

pdf GFA SB 01/20 Safety Differently Popular

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SMS-SB 01_20 Safety Differently.pdf

GFA SB 01/20 Safety Differently

When we talk about safety, we actually don’t talk about safety. We talk about the lack of it - the absence of it. We talk about incidents, we investigate accidents, we scratch our heads at the mismanagement of risk by our fellow pilots. We even measure our safety by the number of instances in which it was absent – for example, an accident rate. It is time to start doing, and seeing, safety differently.

pdf GFA SB 01/19 Trailers Popular

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SMS-SB 01 19 Trailers .pdf

GFA SB 01/19 Trailers

Every Soaring Season we hear stories, usually third hand, about various on-road incidents involving members towing their gliders. Fortunately the majority of these incidents are minor but they all result in unexpected interruptions to travel and flying plans, and create unwanted frustration and unplanned expense. Unfortunately most of these incidents also go unreported within our Safety, Operations Airworthiness Reporting (SOAR) system where we collect data on your often unfortunate experiences, so we miss out on the opportunity to learn so that others can avoid similar expensive experiences. This Bulletin highlights some of the common events we heard about.