
2013 - OAN 02/13 Flarm Health Check

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OAN 02_13 - Flarm Health Check.pdf

2013 - OAN 02/13 Flarm Health Check

The Australian gliding fleet has FLARM installed in significant proportions now and this is assisting us with see and avoid by alerting us to the ones we don’t see. FLARM technology gives us what is called “air-to-air alerting” and the benefits of this are now apparent. This of course is only true if the FLARM is working properly. Unfortunately there is no simple test you can do to verify the FLARM is working properly before take-off. The status indicator lights only give some of the status and do not perform an end to end check. This advice notice outlines a number of checks that should be performed before, during and after the flight to verify the FLARM Operation.