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Gfa ad 526 issue 1


The high grade steel plate of the earlier mufflers fitted to the ASH 25 M, all variants, turned out to be insufficiently resistant for the inner areas. One muffler showed cracks in the inner area after about 45 hours of operation. A superior material has been used since 1996 and the stronger mufflers are marked with an X at the front plate. As an additional offer the used CFRP fairing may now be exchanged for an improved version. The action required is inspection of the muffler to find out which material was used. If defects are found the muffler must be exchanged prior to the next powered flight. Further inspections and replacement of muffler and CFRP fairing according to Technical Note No. 15. Exchange of Flight and Maintenance Manual pages as outlined in the Technical Note. Alexander Schleicher Technical Note ASH 25 M No. 15 which herewith becomes part of this AD.