
pdf Gfa ad 277 Cancelled 2018.01.05 Popular

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gfa ad 277 Cancelled 5.01.2018.pdf

Gfa ad 277 Cancelled 2018.01.05


CANCELLED - Refer MOSP 3 / BSE Section 16

Applicable to all sailplanes fitted with TOST releases. The GFA received approval from the Tost release manufacturers to carry out maintenance on their releases in conformance to this AD, thus meeting their requirements without having to send the releases to Germany. Technical Notice No TM 1-2001 removed the four-yearly requirement to overhaul their releases, and based the overhaul requirement solely on the number of actuations of the release.  The release spring must be replaced after 2,000 flights so as to fully implement TM 1-2001. The over-centre test (Test 1) must also be carried after 2000 flights. Reference Tost Technical Notice No TM 1-2001.